September 8th,2010 new moon in Virgo

Moon Folks! We have talked about the new Moon before that it is time of beginnings, when you can recharge goals, or set new ones. Its a moment to conjure what seems out of reach, and creating the vision is the first step to making it a reality. Making a vision board or collage is great too.  But these are not just words and images on paper. As you write your intentions you should say them out loud (your words have a power all their own)... you are committing to doing your part to make them real. Some call it co-creating. You are opening up to the universal energies to set your dreams in motion. I like to call it practical spirituality because the awareness and energy are part and the other part is action!
So you can use this energy by looking up Virgo and see where it is in your natal chart and use that as a clue to what you are working on now. Virgos like organization, lists, schedules...for me I am setting times to exercise, and I just started the book the Artist Way and looking forward to the art exercises she recomends. (anyone else read this book????)
I think for me I need to plan my time and make the time for what is important to my spiritual and personal growth.  Writing down in my calander will help me schedule better....wish me luck...(My natal moon is in Virgo) I would love to hear what you are doing...please leave a comment.

this is a great site to check out for more information....Astrodynamics: Lynn Hayes on the web A new beginning, facing backwards    Astrological Musings

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