Birth Chart and Natal Astrology Report

You are more than One You. Ascendant, sun and Moon sign.
Do you have questions about yourself moving forward or a have a child or young adult in the family that is struggling to find themselves?  Learn how to put the insight of the stars to work for you!
I am Brenda Nickolaus your Practical Mystic guide that helps you reach your full potential through the natural rhythms of nature. Discover your inner wisdom and intuition to create a heart felt and happier life. Learn some subtle changes, that you can make to make a difference in the quality of your live.

Who were you when you came into this world?
What strengths do you draw on?
What specific challenges do you face?
See what the celestial skies say about you or your child.

Deepen your self-awareness and introspection with your own personalized Natal Astrology Report.

Know Thyself - and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe.

Send me your birth data: name, birthday, time of birth and place of birth, to get your natal chart, positions of the planets (and more) in the natal chart, and short descriptions of these positions. You probably know your Sun sign. This report will tell you your Moon sign, Mercury sign, and more. It will also tell you your Ascendant if you know your birth time.

$35.00 emailed chart with commentary.

$75.00 emailed and 30min phone consultation

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