New Year 2009

My friend Barbara Bizious sent this ritual to me for the New Year...
I wanted to share it with you and hope it inspires you for your new year.....

As the sun is setting on 2008, and 2009 waits for us on the horizon, the world reflects and anticipates. This annual turning is a natural time to contemplate our personal harvests and the events of the past year. It is a powerful time to make resolutions and set intention for the coming year. It is a time of rejuvenation that extends through cultures globally, and is deeply rooted in the traditions of our ancestors, whose New Year's rituals release and honor the old in order to clear ample space for the new to blossom and flourish.
For Prosperity:
the first time you enter your home after midnight on the New Year, throw coins into your house or apartment.
Step in with your right foot and bless each coin with the resources that you want to bring in for the year....don't forget health and joy! Keep the money for 24 hours and then give it away to charity.
*It is said that if you wear new red underwear on January 1st you will bring in love for the year. *Some cultures eat 12 grapes and other lentils to set intention for prosperity and health. (in the south we eat black eyed peas)
My first spiritual teacher Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov told me that that the first 12 days of the year represent the whole year. January 1st stands for the month of January, January 2nd stands for February and so on. By practicing loving kindness, openness, and generosity while giving thoughtful attention to the significance of each day, you will consecrate the coming year.( I plan on making a collage of thoughts and wishes everyday while thinking what I want to bring into each month for the coming new year)

Let this year be a living ritual to peace and understanding. Concentrate on building relationships of mutual trust and understanding...starting with yourself. The key is having compassion for yourself and others . Take a deep breath and breathe life into 2009.
Success comes when we listen to our hearts, stay authentic and trust ourselves to handle the challenges of the unknown.

Blessings to you and yours through the year....

1 comment:

Lisa Frideborg said...

Interesting thought that the fist 12 days of the New Year set the intention - my birthday is the 12th of January! Thanks for sharing :)