Welcome to my little corner of the world.
I love my creative time! and I guard it well. I create, I photograph, I draw, I paint, because it is part of my soulful adventure. I love to combine exciting artistic aspects, decoupage, altered art and card making projects.
“as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." -Nelson Mandela
Thanksgiving/Christmas Traditions...

Heading into the Holidays this year has been very difficult indeed. The grieving process is never ending but trying to be brave as I know Frank would want me to, My heart goes out to others this year that have had a loss. Putting up decorations, shopping...remembering....What Frank and I built together as a family is so strong, traditions are so important to him, passing down memories and I hope the kids will remember always. He loved all the cooking and buying the perfect present for the kids and for me. It does get harder as they grow up but he always put them first. It doesn't seem right that he is not here with us. (but I know in spirit he is around) last year we spent Thanksgiving to my Moms house and visited with family. Over the hills of Ocala and through the Pine woods of Florida we headed to Georgia! This year we went and spent the day with my daughters husbands (yes husband! she got married in October!) spent this Christmas with family and friends and looking forward to next year. He is in my heart always....
10 small ways...
I am working on organizing my life and this was a great way to do it with out all the guilt I feel when I don't do it all in one day! lol...It took me many years to collect all the stuff I have and I need to understand it will take a while to get it all organized. This has been a great help to me to piece it out and come up with a plan!
This is a great article I found on Lifehack...
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days.
Below you’ll find 10 small ways to improve all areas of your life in the next 100 days.
5. Make a list of 20 small things that you enjoy doing, and make sure that you do at least one of these things every day for the next 100 days. Your list can include things such as the following:
7. For the next 100 days, have a good laugh at least once a day: get one of those calendars that has a different joke for every day of the year, or stop by a web site that features your favorite cartoons.
9. Make it a point to learn at least one new thing each day: the name of a flower that grows in your garden, the capital of a far-off country, or the name of a piece of classical music you hear playing in your favorite clothing boutique as you shop. If it’s time for bed and you can’t identify anything you’ve learned that day, take out your dictonary and learn a new word.
10. Stop complaining for the next 100 days. A couple of years back, Will Bowen gave a purple rubber bracelet to each person in his congregation to remind them to stop complaining. “Negative talk produces negative thoughts; negative thoughts produce negative results”, says Bowen. For the next 100 days, whenever you catch yourself complaining about anything, stop yourself.
This is a great article I found on Lifehack...
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days.
Below you’ll find 10 small ways to improve all areas of your life in the next 100 days.
1. Create a “100 Days to Conquer Clutter Calendar” by penciling in one group of items you plan to declutter every day, for the next 100 days. Here’s an example:- Day 1: Declutter Magazines
- Day 2: Declutter DVD’s
- Day 3: Declutter books
- Day 4: Declutter kitchen appliances
- If you take it out, put it back.
- If you open it, close it.
- If you throw it down, pick it up.
- If you take it off, hang it up.
- A burnt light bulb that needs to be changed.
- A button that’s missing on your favorite shirt.
- The fact that every time you open your top kitchen cabinet all of the plastic food containers fall out.
4. Follow the advice proffered by positive psychologists and write down 5 to 10 things that you’re grateful for, every day.5. Make a list of 20 small things that you enjoy doing, and make sure that you do at least one of these things every day for the next 100 days. Your list can include things such as the following:
- Eating your lunch outside.
- Calling your best friend to chat.
- Taking the time to sit down and read a novel by your favorite author for a few minutes.
- How many times do you beat yourself up during the day?
- Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
- Are you constantly thinking critical thoughts of others?
- How many positive thoughts do you have during the day?
7. For the next 100 days, have a good laugh at least once a day: get one of those calendars that has a different joke for every day of the year, or stop by a web site that features your favorite cartoons.
Learning/Personal Development
8. Choose a book that requires effort and concentration and read a little of it every day, so that you read it from cover to cover in 100 days.9. Make it a point to learn at least one new thing each day: the name of a flower that grows in your garden, the capital of a far-off country, or the name of a piece of classical music you hear playing in your favorite clothing boutique as you shop. If it’s time for bed and you can’t identify anything you’ve learned that day, take out your dictonary and learn a new word.
10. Stop complaining for the next 100 days. A couple of years back, Will Bowen gave a purple rubber bracelet to each person in his congregation to remind them to stop complaining. “Negative talk produces negative thoughts; negative thoughts produce negative results”, says Bowen. For the next 100 days, whenever you catch yourself complaining about anything, stop yourself.
Create Moments that Count! Fathers's day memories...
One of our goals as a family was and is to provide simple, creative activities for our family to enjoy each others company. Dinner around the table every night was a must growing up the kids enjoyed sharing their day. It was a way to pass on family stories too.
It can be a simple as we want it to be. Often we only need to sacrifice a little bit of time to create moments and memories
with our loved ones!
with our loved ones!
Travis and my husband Frank out on the trail after his chemo,
he was always looking forward to connect with our children
and inspire them to live happily. He was a great dad!
he was always looking forward to connect with our children
and inspire them to live happily. He was a great dad!
A day at the beach my favorite photo Frank took of me at the beach. It was one of our favorite places to go. Slowing down and taking time to be present
and experience nature.
being at the beach is My Happy place!
and experience nature.
being at the beach is My Happy place!
I love the woods and River bend Park in Jupiter, Florida is a jewel in our own backyard!
great walking trails among the pines. I love visiting our national and state parks! amazing resources for us to enjoy nature! and We see so many animals on the walks...more photos to come!
We loved walking in the tall grass and feeling the breeze...felt like the Aleutian fields...mentioned in the movie the Gladiator, It was so peaceful!
"I walk in nature and see the beauty that surrounds me"
Every Sunday we try to make it to our beach and enjoy the family and just relax! We are so blessed to live so close to a vacation spot!
We love to play in the salt water, listen to the waves, picking up shells and just being with eachother! and then of course walking is a great way to unwind and relax. This is my wonderful husband on fathers day June 2011, walking on the beach while the kids are playing in the surf. He was diagnosed with colen cancer stage 4, in April of 2011. Needless to say we have had a very trying time with this disease!
But we still try to get out and enjoy nature and as I told him, use nature to heal, use the waves as they come in bring healing blessings, as they go out to take the cancer away....breath in ....and out....one day at a time!
We have each other right now! and We will be more than okay!
Jan 2013 Happy New Year! and I hope it is a creative one, I started the new year with intentions of cleaning and organizing my arts and crafts! Its' so hard! I see something and get side tracked and start another craft! lol
I would love to start the New Year in an organized and crafting heaven. I saw Michael's has a $1000 give a way!!!
I wanted to share the love and pass this on! I would so love to win this! but wish you luck too!
So I went and clicked on Michael's site and learned they are giving four lucky do-it-yourself devotees each a $1,000 Michael's gift card to create his or her dream craft closet.
and if you don’t know where to get started with your crafting closet? The winners will get expert advice from TLC Craft Wars judge, Jo Pearson. Winners will also receive a personal shopping appointment …
Good luck and Happy Creatively Fit New Year!
Keeping a Dream Journal, vision board...
With all the Holidays buzzing around its easy to get caught up in all the stress and so one way I keep my sanity is by keeping a Journal to keep me focused on what is important to me.
You can make a vision board too with your family to keep a visual up on what is important to your family....
Using Vision boards are a highly effective and creative way to bring your goals and dreams to life ...... and keep your attention focused on what you want to achieve.
Visualization activates the Law of Attraction, which states that "like attracts like." The more you can see in your mind's eye what you want to achieve, the more effortlessly success will come to you.

I also love to use the full moon and new moon for inspiration and guidance too.
and start creating your life. would love to see what you create please feel free to share your vision.
I will be working on my Moon visioning book
and hope you will join in too!
Products with Meaning
I believe in creating home and gift products that blend beauty and function. I am pleased to announce I am working on a project for 2013 to inspire us to believe in ourselves and to be the best we can be right now! more to come...wish me luck!!!!
October 2012.
I have the honor of being accepted as a member of The Town of Jupiter Art Committee. We support local artist through hosting an art show once a month with an open house at the Jupiter Community Center. It is a lot of fun and I am so happy to be apart of this group.
My photos at the Jupiter Art Center October 2012 Show. I am a Lighthouse Camera Club member. |
May you be inspired to
"Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink in the wild air!"
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
August 25th 2012
I'm so excited to share this news...well here is a back story when Rebeka was accepted at the FAU campus we went over to the atrium and I saw an artist work displayed there and I thought to myself it would be fun to have one of my photos or other art work displayed there...fast forward to now...I got an email that said...
I entered one of my butterfly photos into our photography club competition and one of them was excepted to the Exhibit in the art atrium of FAU!
We had a great time at The Theater of the Sea! The weather was a little iffy but it ended up down in the Keys Perfect! We could not have asked for better weather. I did not want it to rain on my parade! lol...We got up early and drove down to Ilamarada and checked in. We were able to walk around and check out a couple of shows they offer to explain their facility and on conservation for the marine life they have.
July...Hot, Hot, Hot!!! working on a dolphin get away! so excited to swim with the dolphins!
taking my family and spending a weekend away! Looking forward to spending time down in the islands and away from the everyday worries. You know I am bringing my camera of course and looking forward to some beach inspiration to bring back for my students to paint and to add to the art studio. Maybe to beach theme for August/September.
AHHH! the month of June, Is the official beginning of summer everywhere, fathers day for us was spent at the beach with a grilling out of course! We put together a photo album with photos for the year and I had the kids add little comments through out in their had writing! He loved it!!! and lots of summer school kids for tours and programs at work! Spreading the fun of all our new babies and rescues at work.
The Monday morning art classes were a hit and some of my painters live here year long and so I am offering a summer painting class at the Jupiter rec center for Tuesday Nights and loving the paintings everyone is working on! I have some adults and I have some little ones too!
May 20th,20l2 on the eve of the Gemini new moon and solar eclipse I have been busy painting a wooden bench my husband and son put together for me. I love it! It is a bench and then you pull a lever and it is a picnic table! going to put it in the front yard to paint and draw or just sit and get Inspiration!
Inspiration is all around us if we are looking.
Where do you get it? For me it comes from Mother Nature. I step outside and see the brilliant blue of the coastal sky, the different colors of green among the leaves on the same branch of a tree.
In my creative and artful way of life, I have found that it really helps for me to get out of the house, and it is a MUST to get off the computer (it tends to suck me in...I have started using a timer to schedule my time! lol) and walking outside is when I look for Inspiration......
I am making time every week to take mini field trips to what I call "my places". My "places" there are about 10 locations within a 10-20 minute walk or drive, they are places that I know I will always find color and inspiration. From my front yard to the local park, to the sanctuary, to the beach, to a construction site, to the horse barn, I alternate visiting my favorite places each week. Recently I spent the day at one of my favorite places ~~ the beach.
I hope by sharing more of my own process when it comes to seeking inspiration and how I apply it to my own work- my wish and hope that maybe it will inspire you to get creative!
There are many recipes out there for How to make your own craft clay! I loved making it with my kids and make shapes to paint and hang up on the tree for Christmas but these can be used anytime of the year!
Here is one I found that is is easy to make, but requires the use of the stove, so just make sure the little ones are supervised when making this craft!
now to gather up your supplies, Here's what you'll need...
• 1 box baking soda (about 2 cups)
• 1 cup cornstarch
• 11/2 cups water
• Sauce pan
• Bowl
• Spoon
• Plastic wrap
And here's how you make it...
1. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring consistently, until it is too thick to stir with a spoon.
2. Cool for 15 minutes, or until the dough is cool enough to touch. Now comes the fun part!!! Knead it for about 5 minutes, or until smooth. great stress reliever and it's still warm...lovely, (you can add any of your essential oil to for a heavenly scent!) You must keep the dough wrapped in plastic to keep it fresh.
Once you have molded it, it will take 1-2 days for the clay to dry. The length of time depends on how thick your craft is: If it is a flat ornament, it may only take 1 day, if it is thick it will take much longer. I have painted with acrylic craft paints on this clay.
Pictures to come!!!
Seashell Ornaments!
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Sea Shell ornaments...I am always collecting sea shells and sea glass on the beach and finding some really cool ones I wanted to display them in a unique way. I am also getting ready for Christmas and these make great ornaments but I also love to display in a basket year round to remind me of my beach vacations... So I am gathering my supplies & let you see the finished projects soon... *************************************************************************************** I Love the Beach!
Here is my first video on utube, it's alot harder than you think! I am so impressed by all the other people that do this all the time! I would like to thank my daughter for filming for me.
I grew up in Florida and now being back I love my walks on the beach! Expecially during a full moon. Beautiful! Whenever we went on vacation we were off to the beach and bringing back treasures from the sea. You can see me walking along in the waves now that I am back living in Florida with my red bag picking up seashells...and I have buckets...yes buckets, baskets, bowls, pots....etc, etc,etc...of seashells...I go on walks on the beach and I always say to myself "self, no shells today you have plenty at home"...but then I started collecting flat rocks to paint my animal totem rocks and then driftwood...Oh well I don't listen to myself very well......!!! Here are some of my completed shells ornaments
Another Beach Ornament idea I did for friends this year...Filled a glass balls with sand and sea shells.
It's super easy and makes a perfect gift for your favorite beach lover!!! I am also selling these on my etsy account if you are interested in ordering. www.etsy.com/shop.brendanickolaus *************************************************************************************** In honor of national recycling day....November 15th 2011 and all year really! Gather you supplies and get creative!
I painted this candle holder for my daughter - she love, loves, loves owls. I based coated the tera cotta pot with light brown and then the cute little owls are all in a row around the sides. and then flipped it over with the lid on top for a candle. so excited to see if she likes it....
October 31st, wishing everyone a very Happy Halloween, I have been busy getting ready for Halloween at work. We have an enchanted trail for the trick or treaters and I am Mother Nature, so getting some great ideas for them to craft in the theather with me. Also decorating with flowers and green garlands...ect...it needs to look magical of course! I needed some pumpkins so I painted some pumkins, Robert cut them out and now to add the paint. What do you think???? cute right??? and made some witchy cards below.
I'm always sad to see October go, but happy for what November represents and encourages us to think about and celebrate.
Such a lovely and loving time of year.
*************************************************************************************** September 22, 2011
Is it too early to start thinking about Christmas gift? NO!! If you’re planning to do handmade Christmas gifts this year, check out this simple and inexpensive, easy gift idea to get your gift giving ideas rolling.
To Make a Decorated Candle
supplies: tissue paper, selected stamp, stamp pad, embossing pad, 6″ red pillar candle, heat embossing tool, wax paper longer than the candle(used as a handle)
1. Using your rubber stamp, stamp on the tissue paper, you can use regular stamp or emboss the image.
2. cut your tissue paper to fit your candle
3. wrap the wax paper, wrap around the candle and hold the left over as a handle.
4.using your embossing tool, *be careful not to burn yourself!*
5. repeat all the way around the candle. cut off excess length, as needed.
6. wrap candle in tissue, cellophane, or paper. attached ribbon or a scrap strip of fabric along with a gift tag.
and there you go! a GREAT little gift for Teachers, Neighbors, Friends, your Mailman, etc! easy and inexpensive!
let’s chat!
***have you started making Christmas gifts yet? If so, what have you made? If not, what are you going to make?***
(check out Stamp TV for a video and utube has some more ideas.)
I love the prize give away at The Kraft Journal.click here to get all the details. They are giving away a Inspiration play pack! So fun!!! More things to play with at the The Kraft Journal, I have been rubberstamping for awhile and have been home with a back injury, so been pulling out all my "stuff". Just a special thanks for all the inspiration on your blog! **************************************************************************************** August 28th....So I have been home for 2 weeks with a herniated disk in my lower back. The first week too much pain to move, to think, to craft, but feeling better and motivated to get my crafts out. I thought I would try some of the things I have on my list of to do's or to try and thought I would share this one with you! I think it turned out great! and really very easy to do. I saw this diy on http://www.stamptv.com/ and thought it would be fun to start some early Christmas Presents and maybe have some for my craft shows and art classes coming up. I found these tiles and I loved the rough top. (I do have some left over tiles from another project that are smooth) I got my fairy stamps out and made these. I have not added color yet... To stamp on tiles you need to have the right tools. I used the Stazon ink. It is waterproof, and no other ink, that I know of, will work for this technique. The tiles I used are Travertine tiles, they are not completely smooth like I said before. It's always a good idea to use a 4x4" square cardstock to plan what you want to stamp first. This will save you the frustration of stamping on a tile and not liking it. Make sure you use a cloth to get your tiles clean and ready to recieve the ink. Be sure your Stazon is fully inked, you always want to start with a nice juicy pad. (tip, store pads upside down so ink will be on the top when you are ready to stamp!) Once you stamp and color your tiles, then it's time to add the felt feet. (I got some at home depot.) by adding felt or cork to the bottom it will protect your furniture.
these are the finished 4! all I need to do is add a bow!
What do you think?
***"Follow your creative whims, they lead you not astray, for as you follow, you will be lead - to the truest bounty - the richest being Love ~" *"The Guides For Truth" - Connie Bowen* ** *****************************************************************************************
June 2011
Okay so I like my notebooks and journals.. I am sort of a journal collector. I like the feel of them. I have one by my chair by the T.V. so I can jot ideas down, catch phrases, or sketch ideas. I have one in my purse, car, by the bed...you get the idea. I feel incomplete leaving the house without some sort of notebook for jotting down all my creative ideas. It’s fun to buy a journal, but my inner crafter wishes I’d get all my papers and do dads together to make my very own recycled notebook. So............ I went to office max and got some of those black and white composition books for $1.00 to decorate! (now with back to school supplies everywhere they are selling at .40 cents yes .40cents....such a deal...) I love all my paper scraps and I pulled them all together and designed the ones above. I had fun decorating them and personalizing them...and I even made some for gifts!!!
March 14th, 2011
It is Springtime, The clocks have sprang forward and I have been out planting my favorite flowers, pansies, forget me knots and geraniums. And I went to check on my fairy rose and it made it through the cold here is south Florida. I did loose my big fire bush out front but it is growing from the bottom fresh shoots are popping up, so in time it will be full again. Time to trim it back so there is room for the new growth. I have been pinching back some of the flowers and pressing them for crafts. I love using the flowers and leaves pressed in my paper card crafts.
Going through my stash I was looking for more dimention to the page and my bookmarks so I was looking through all my ribbons to add a finishing touch to one of my bookmarks and came across this great way to make a ribbon rose!
This is a great way to add dimension and texture to your cards!
1. Cut an 18-24-inch piece of ribbon. (You'll need a longer piece for wider ribbon, and less for narrow ribbon.)
2. Fold the ribbon in the center in the shape of an "L."
3. Fold the end that is underneath over the top along the edge of the other end.
4. Flip the ribbon over so it is easier to work with.
5. Repeat step 3, alternating ribbon ends until you have about an inch of tail left.
6. Pinch the ends together and release the rest of the ribbon
7. Still holding ends together, gently pull on one tail to gather up the ribbon.
8. Reposition petals; adhere ends with a glue dot. Trim.
Now you have a beautiful ribbon rose to add to any of your creations. Just thinking of all the colors I can make!!! have fun!
March 1st,2011 did you know that the WHOLE month of March is National Craft Month?! :) How exciting! ******************************************************************************************* Feb 19th,2011 - Up cycled Organizers With a new year we get a fresh start to get our lives more organized. And if your organizers are free (and cute) it’s even better! This project uses castaways from your recycle bin and things you already have in your home. Feb. 8th, 2011 Nowadays with e-mail being so popular, receiving cards makes everyone feel special. Instead of buying a card, try making your own unique card to show that person how much they mean to you. Here are a few ideas to get you started! Feb 1st, 2011 - Here are 3 easy Just because gifts in time for Valentines Day too! 1. I just covered a tic tack container front and back. I used a butterfly stamp and popped it on to a piece of designer series paper. 2. The gum is easy too! I covered the outside of the gum box using designer series paper. Then I used the stamp "U Rock" from "It's a Sign" stamp set. Then I wrapped our 5/8 inch red ribbon around the gum package only so it slides out when you pull on it. Super fun! 3. This last treat is called a Sour Cream container. Does anyone remember these from Wendie's? I think some places still use them. Well, they are super easy to make. You need a sheet of paper 4 1/4 x 5 1/2. Put a piece of sticky tape on one side (longer side). Now roll the paper just like a toilet paper roll. Now take one of the open ends and pinch it together after placing stickpin it. and Fill with candy or jewelry(just saying). Next, pinch the other end together the opposite way. Last, Crimp the ends for a professional look. Now you use your imagination and embellish with stamps, buttons, ribbon, etc....