Your Artist Within wants to help you create the life of your dreams.
“You could never do that” and tap into the voice that says, “Who are you NOT to be living that life?!”
It can be as easy as 1-2-3!
When you accept your role as BOTH the art and the artist,
When you accept your role as BOTH the art and the artist,
you open yourself up to a new way of living.
We’re about exploration and transformation.
Listen from your Heart.
See from your Soul.
Create your Life.
Create your Life.
Go on a Vision Quest and tune into your inner guides through creative journey.
You can go deep within and let go of shame, judgments, pain, shyness, lack of and anything else that
you've been holding onto.
you've been holding onto.
sign up below for one on one coaching.
$125 hour for a Creative time to Embrace the art that is your life.
Come and Create with me.

$125 hour for a Creative time to Embrace the art that is your life.
Come and Create with me.

Soul heArt Journal Coaching for those who really want to get in touch with their souls intuition and live Creatively fit.
I often hear...
“I am SUPER busy already.
My work and To Do list is at least a MILE long.
I don’t have the time or money to think about what I want!”
This is a hands on series of art journal prompts and coaching calls. Through this series, you get clarity on what you want and I will help you create a step-by-step plan to get traction and movement to create your life. Isn’t it time to get rid of the negative self talk ?
This is a hands on series of art journal prompts and coaching calls. Through this series, you get clarity on what you want and I will help you create a step-by-step plan to get traction and movement to create your life. Isn’t it time to get rid of the negative self talk ?
that keep talking to you in your head and reinforcing attitudes that stop you from having what you really want in your life. When self doubt, lack of worthiness, a busy schedule, and lack of knowledge continue to plague you, nothing gets off the ground and real life gets in the way of you not having what you crave. When you sink into that pit of lack, fear and judgment, creativity and courage tend to be the first qualities that go out the window. Fear and lack have never been good catalysts for meaningful change.
Go from vision to vitality with the support of the Soul Art Journal coaching. It was designed to take busy, hungry-for-more, creative people like you from cloudy to clarity,
so that you can live the life you have always wanted.
so that you can live the life you have always wanted.
Are You Ready to Get step though a Magical Portal?
Just imagine
o Having a clear vision for your life with a step-by-step plan for how to achieve it
o Waking up every morning with excitement for your next
magical step toward your Vision
magical step toward your Vision
o Being an inspiration to those around you because you no longer let your past stories derail your Vision and Dreams
o Having the tools to not only dream Big, but the confidence to achieve it!
Here’s what you get
This series is a combination of
a Soul art journal session and 3 coaching calls that take you deeper into your vision and guide you into manifesting your vision.
This combination gives you support beyond creating a Vision Board
and I will coach you one on one using a 5 step process you use
to activate and decide your action steps.
You will have hands-on assistance to get past barriers that have stopped you from having the life of your dreams. You will also learn how to create a simple, step-by-step plan to accomplish your vision and email encouragement to keep you on track.
· 3 - One hour Soul Art Journaling Workshop so you can dive deep into your vision. Each board will be created for a specific purpose toward achieving your dream ($225 value)
· materials you need for your art journal ($90 value)
· Three group coaching calls with me ($300 value)
· Private face book page to encourage each other.
But Don’t Miss the Chance to Make 2016
Your Year of Transformation
It's time to shine!
schedule your coaching call and you will get:
3- one hour soul art journaling in person or skype!
3- coaching calls
Private Facebook page for encouragement.
It’s my wish that you achieve the life you want. I want to support you in your time of transformation. It is time for all of us to step out and spread our wings and become who we really are and what we are here to do. I created this soul art journal with coaching calls because I know how powerful it can be to have the coaching support as you bring forth your vision….It can be scary lonely when you are out there without support.
Don’t keep doing the same thing expecting different results. Lets get the mermaid and dolphin guides to help us. It is time to dive deep and discover your hidden treasures! Join us for this unique exploration.
You will receive the vision board workshop and three coaching calls throughout January 2017 for one price.
If you got these separately, it’s a $600 value.
I’m offering 1/2 off this price for a limited time only
$300.00 if paid in full
or 3 payments of $110
register here
This if your time for personal growth and offers illuminating insight
3rd Monday of every month
time- 7:30 - 9:00pm/ please arive by 7:20pm-gates close at 7:30 for safety
where-Busch Wildlife Sanctuary Jupiter, Fl
cost:$20.00 suggested or love donation
call to Register at 561.262.2727
As Mother Nature's Messenger I can help you aswer....
What is the best time to start a new project?
When are you likely to experience success in releasing bad habits or negative influences?
How can I best manifest my dream?
The answers lie in the cyclical nature of the moon and her energies and the natural seasons.
By increasing your awareness of the moon’s intuitive, emotional and compelling gifts, you can deepen your connection with your own feminine wisdom and power.
Brenda Nickolaus shows you how you can manifest your dreams by reconnecting with moon and goddess energy and working in season!
This class is a magical touchstone that allows you a profound understanding of the deepest forces of your essence. You embark on the hero’s journey to identify your very being and then learn to integrate these aspects into your greater whole.
Animal Totems
Are you interested in Discovering your power or totem animal????
Are you interested in Discovering your power or totem animal????
I will be offering a 3 part Shamanic drumming meditation to help you discover what your power or totem animal is at this time in your life. Power animals most often come to us in dreams, meditations, initiations, and visions. You can have more than one power animal.
Your power animal can change at a given time depending on your lifepath at that time. Power animals are often attracted by the emotional needs of the person - viewed as protectors who help overcome fears and empower us.
There will be open discussion after the meditations to talk about how our power or totem animals help us and guide us in our daily life. I'll have animal 'Medicine cards' there to help you understand some of the meanings of your totem animal.
Bring a pillow or two, blanket, air mattress, sleeping bag or whatever you need to be comfortable while laying on the floor during this intense series of meditations. If you prefer to sit, that's ok too.
Cost: $45
email for the details of when and where
email for the details of when and where
A woman who works with her hands is a LABORER;
a woman who works with her hands and head, a CRAFTSMAN;
but a woman who works with
her hands, her head and her heart is an ARTIST.
~ St. Francis of Assisi
her hands, her head and her heart is an ARTIST.
~ St. Francis of Assisi
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